Overdue Return to Blogging

Well, I'm back.

I've been focusing on a few other projects for a while. I was also trying to figure out just what direction I wanted this blog to go. It seemed that my career was moving away from the reference side of things, and there seemed to be a lack of stability in my profession, as well.

In the meantime, I've determined two things: first, I really believe that effective use of data or information is key to solving a great many of today's problems, and that the rise of networked communication and the smart tools that go with it allow a great deal of leverage. Second, I have a real interest in using these tools, as well as an interest in theories of invention, thought and creativity, as well.

So, I will continue to focus this blog on creative problem-solving, and on the best tools available to aid in this pursuit. I would like to focus on open-source, where possible, but I will also look at low cost options, and, when necessary, at some of the pricier tools that dramatically outperform those free and low cost items.

I would also like to interview people who are very creative and/or productive in their pursuits to find out just how they keep track of the information they need in the midst of an overwhelming abundance of information. Hopefully, I will also be able to provide reviews, case studies, and article links, as well.

Thanks for reading.


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